Furniture and design: growing number of companies choosing Grifal’s tailor-made protective packaging

When it comes to furniture and design, attention to detail goes far beyond creating elegant and functional pieces: a key aspect that manufacturers know they should not underestimate is the proper protection of all components during transportation, handling, and storage. This is where packaging comes in, which plays a key role in preserving the quality and integrity of furniture items and furnishings during their journey from manufacturer to end consumer or retailer.

Grifal is increasingly distinguished by its offering of packaging solutions protective and cushioning, custom-designed – based on customer needs and product features – and made from innovative materials such as cArtù®, the special patented corrugated cardboard that can effectively protect against impact, damage and moisture.

However, the design of proper and efficient packaging is not only about the choice of materials, but also about its structure and configuration. cArtù® is designed to fit perfectly to the shape of the products it is to protect, providing optimal support and minimizing empty space within the packaging.

Some of the solutions we have made for major companies in the furniture industry:

Refrigerator door
Kitchen drawer
Hi-Fi cabinet
Cabinet rails

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